Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Sandy and I traveled to Erie, Pennsylvania the weekend before last to be with the Grimes family and their new church.  On Friday and Saturday, we had a Marriage Seminar at the church.  Here is a picture of Daryl and Michelle on the left.  Darin and Joy Alvis (home missionaries to Buffalo, NY) were kind enough to support the church and attend the seminar. They are on the right.

Here is Tony and Marie Drakulic.  (Sorry I didn't get your face, Marie)  They are moving from Columbus, Ohio to Erie to help start the new church.  I really appreciate people who are willing to do that!  It was good getting to know this nice young couple.  Pray for Tony to get a job in Erie.

Tom and Pam Jones (home missionaries near Pittsburgh) also came up to attend the marriage seminar.  It is great to see more churches getting started in the northeast and it is great to seeing these home missionaries supporting each other!

Daryl has been able to rent a building for a very reasonable price.  Here is a few people before the Sunday morning service.  That's Sandy at the front.

Another view of the auditorium.  I liked the way they showed the announcements on the screen before the service.

Here is Daryl greeting everyone.  This was only their 3rd Sunday service and they set a new record attendance - 35!

On the right is 16 year old Luke Grimes.  He did a great job playing the guitar and leading the music. That is Tony Drakulic and Michelle Grimes also singing.

Here is Charity Grimes. (on the right)  The Grimes have another son but somehow I didn't get his picture.  Sorry, Isaiah.

Luke and Daryl getting something to eat at the lunch after church.

It was nice to have a room to have meals like this.  Most of the people stayed and ate.

It was very exciting to be at this brand new church!  God is working in Erie!

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