Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Our family used to be mystery shoppers.  Different restaurants would reimburse us for the cost of the meal if we filled out a form evaluating our experience.  Years ago, we had 4 children at home and didn't make much money, so we were happy to do it.  Eat out for free!
The restaurant wanted to know if the bathrooms were clean, how long we waited for our food, if the food was good, etc.  Why did they give us free meals?  To evaluate how they were doing.

If I was a church planter or pastor today, I would hire a mystery shopper.  Maybe you could give them a gift certificate to a restaurant if they visited your church and then answered some questions.
Here are some possible questions:

1. Was the church easy to find?
2. Was it easy to park your car?
3. Were there enough signs to let you know where to go?
4. Did church start on time?
5. Did you receive a friendly reception?
6. Tell what you thought about the service - the music, preaching, length.
7. What did you like?  What didn't you like?

You could come up with questions of your own.
None of us like criticism, but I think this would be easier because we are asking for feedback.
All of us have blind spots.  That's no sin.  But being too arrogant or lazy to try and do better may be.
Let's get some help in evaluating what we are doing.  Then hopefully we can improve.

Not only will people be more likely to come back a second time, but your regular people will be more likely to invite their friends!

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