Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Usually summer is a slower time in church work, but a lot of good things have been happening in home mission churches this summer.

Bill Reynolds and the church in Rhode Island had their new building dedication this past Sunday.  The place was packed with 200 people!  4 people were saved

The Marana, Arizona church with Jeff Goodman and Josh Bennett celebrated their first anniversary this past Sunday with 101 people present!

Donnie Burke and Mark McCraney stepped out into a cold Colorado river recently to baptize 10 people there!

Tim Osborn and the folks in Oakland, Tennessee had to tear down a wall in their rental building to make more room.  Broke the record last Sunday with 79!  80 will be soon, then 90, then 100!

Here’s an example of sowing the seed and harvesting later from Jeff Crabtree in New Brunswick:
Several years ago for about ten years our church bought a daily 30-second radio spot and I gave a one or two sentence devotional "thought for the day." An older gentlemen used to listen to those. One of our men invited him to our church several months ago.  He and his wife now come regularly and bring their great grandkids with them.  This couples' daughter and son-in-law started attending about the same time and her daughter and husband (parents of the children) came once.  Yesterday the son-in-law prayed to receive Jesus as Saviour and all four generations with their spouses were in service this morning.
The church there will have their self-supporting service in November.

Jim Kilgore in California just led a man to the Lord that he had been talking to for 2 ½ years.

Allen Hall in Pennsylvania baptized 5 people last Sunday and 4 more people want to be baptized soon!

Jose Correa and the church in Puerto Rico averaged 100 in July!

Other good averages for July:

Jeff Cates in Texas96!

Stephen Gray in Illinois105!

David Sexton and Marc Neppl in Virginia – 107!

Scott Warren is leading the church in Salt Lake City into a merger with another local church.  This means a bigger building, more people, and more opportunity!

Two more church planters were approved at the convention:
Edgar Chavez going to a suburb of Los Angeles, California
Heath Ferguson going to a suburb of Houston, Texas

God is still working and good things are still happening!

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