Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Since we were expecting the birth of our new grandson in upstate New York, we decided to visit some home missionaries on the way.

Here are Marc and Casie Neppl of Suffolk, Virginia.  We stayed at their house for the weekend.
On Saturday, their friends took us all out on a fun boat ride. 

This is the church on Sunday morning.  They recently moved a wall and made a lot more space.  We had a great crowd even though David and Charity Sexton were on vacation.

 Here is Marc leading the service.

Sandy and I left Sunday afternoon and drove up to Delaware to stay with our friends Jay and Annette Baines.  Here is a picture of Jay.  He is an Associate Missionary - pastoring a church of 450 with 2 Sunday morning services, while starting a new church and speaking there on Sunday evening.

We traveled from Delaware to York, Pennsylvania. It was good to spend some time with Allen and Jenny Hall who are starting a church in York.

We closed up our suitcases again and headed to Rochester, New York.  It was good to be with the church there on Sunday.  Here are the home missionaries there - Dana and Betty Booth and Jim and Sylvia Martin.
Like all of our missionaries, they are salt of the earth people.

Buffalo, New York is only about 1 1/2 hours from Rochester, so we went over to see the team there. Naturally, we went out to eat together.  Brian and Emily Williams are on the right with their 3 children in the front.  Tim and Amanda York are on the left with their baby.

I'm holding Bryson York here.  Tim said he would send this picture to his dad and say, "Richard says Ha Ha."

Back to Rochester for the Big Day - the birth of my grandson!
This is my son, Nathan, and his wife, Rachel, with my new grandson, William.

Jim and Sylvia Martin are also the grandparents to William.

It is hard to see much of William since the nurses had him all bundled up.

One more picture of this good-looking boy.  We are very thankful!

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