On Labor Day weekend the Home Missions staff and their wives were joined by a group that visited Washington DC, West Virginia, and Virginia.
Here is Board member Bobby Shepherd with his wife, Juanita.
Here is Board member Bob Lewis with his wife, Brenda.
Board member Ron Parker was also there with his wife, Elaine, but I didn't get a good picture of them. It was good for our Board members to have a chance to visit home missionaries.
We toured Washington DC one day. There was a protest at the White House and our Director acted like he was a part of it.
Storer College in Harpers Ferry, West Virginia was started by Free Will Baptists after the Civil War. We visited there and David Crowe told us its history. I guess most of you know that David is very knowledgable about FWB history.
John Colby was a FWB evangelist in the early 1800s. We visited his grave in Norfolk, Virginia. Here is the Home Missions staff - David Crowe, Larry Powell, and Richard Atwood - in front of his grave.
On Sunday morning, we visited the new work in Suffolk, VA. David and Charity Sexton and Marc and Casie Neppl have converted a former funeral home into a church building. Looks great!
The church was pretty full - attendance that day of 118.
Marc Neppl has been learning the guitar so he can play in church.
A ladies trio sang. That is Casie Neppl on the left and Charity Sexton on the right.
I had to get one last picture of David - just as his mouth was open.
We drove to Harrisonburg, VA for the Sunday night service there. Paul and Patty Collins welcomed us to their new church building. It looks great!
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