Which is more important - ability or integrity?
Let's say that a new person to your church volunteered for several ministries. He had great musical ability and was a real asset to your worship service. He had a charismatic personality and seemed to attract people, especially young people. He always had a smile and complimented you and the church. You would be thanking God for sending him and praying for more people like that.
But after a couple of months, some red flags started appearing. He promised things that he never could quite deliver on. He seemed to show too much attention to the opposite sex and put his hands on the young girls a lot. You noticed that some of the stories he told couldn't possibly match up with other things he had already said.
You finally realize that you have to confront him about some of these things. He either blows up in anger or acts hurt and says he is leaving the church. You hear later on that he is now a part of the church down the road.
Ability is important.
When Moses' father-in-law counseled him on getting leaders to help in the work, he said to seek able men. Ability is important. But they were also to be men of truth, who hated covetousness.
Integrity is essential.
By all means, look for workers who have ability in the area you need. (I think we should look for church planters who have shown some ability in communication, making disciples, and leadership.) But also look for workers who are people of character and integrity -people who have a humble, teachable spirit. These people can grow in their ability.
I so agree - it's easy to be enamored by charismatic people so we give them jobs too soon without waiting to learn of their character. Important warning!