Some people collect stamps. Some collect autographs. Others collect antiques. Jay Leno collects cars. I like to collect quotes. (They are a lot cheaper than cars.) A good quote can communicate something important or interesting or funny in just a few words. If you are a preacher or teacher, I hope you use good quotes. They can help get the point across. And they are often memorable.
Here are some quotes that I like. Maybe you can use one or two of them.
Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin and inspiration will find you.
You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. Henry Ford
I believe in planning ahead, because if you spend enough time planning, you never actually have to do anything. Garfield the cat
CS Lewis on the Christian faith:
If it is false, it is of no importance; if true, it is of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.
If you are talking to people about Jesus, you are having a 100% success rate in sowing the seed.
"Ninety percent of all those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit."
-- Paul J. Meyer
A couple of quotes from Steven Wright:
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
“Smoking is not a sin; but if you like putting dried leaves in your mouth and setting them on fire that’s your business.”
You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretsky
* If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.*
Listen as if someone were about to give you the winning lottery number and you would only hear it once.
People judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg.
Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do a little.
God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us. Martin Luther
A little girl had just finished her first week of school. 'I'm just wasting my time,' she said to her mother. 'I can't read, I can't write, and they won't let me talk!'
We don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.
I’d be happy to hear from you with some quotes that you like. As I said, I collect quotes.

Some people collect stamps. Some collect autographs. Others collect antiques. Jay Leno collects cars. I like to collect quotes. (They are a lot cheaper than cars.) A good quote can communicate something important or interesting or funny in just a few words. If you are a preacher or teacher, I hope you use good quotes. They can help get the point across. And they are often memorable.
Here are some quotes that I like. Maybe you can use one or two of them.
Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin and inspiration will find you.
You can’t build a reputation on what you’re going to do. Henry Ford
I believe in planning ahead, because if you spend enough time planning, you never actually have to do anything. Garfield the cat
CS Lewis on the Christian faith:
If it is false, it is of no importance; if true, it is of infinite importance. The one thing it cannot be is moderately important.
If you are talking to people about Jesus, you are having a 100% success rate in sowing the seed.
"Ninety percent of all those who fail are not actually defeated. They simply quit."
-- Paul J. Meyer
A couple of quotes from Steven Wright:
I almost had a psychic girlfriend but she left me before we met.
I’d kill for a Nobel Peace Prize.
99% of lawyers give the rest a bad name.
All those who believe in psychokinesis, raise my hand.
Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there. Will Rogers
“Smoking is not a sin; but if you like putting dried leaves in your mouth and setting them on fire that’s your business.”
You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take. Wayne Gretsky
* If you get to thinkin' you're a person of some influence, try orderin' somebody else's dog around.*
Listen as if someone were about to give you the winning lottery number and you would only hear it once.
People judge you by your actions, not your intentions. You may have a heart of gold, but so does a hard boiled egg.
Never decide to do nothing just because you can only do a little.
God created the world out of nothing, and as long as we are nothing, He can make something out of us. Martin Luther
A little girl had just finished her first week of school. 'I'm just wasting my time,' she said to her mother. 'I can't read, I can't write, and they won't let me talk!'
We don’t need more strength or more ability or greater opportunity. What we need is to use what we have.
I’d be happy to hear from you with some quotes that you like. As I said, I collect quotes.

Love it!