The Home Missions Board met on December 3 in Nashville.
Starting at the left front, they are Earl Hanna, Bob Lewis, Tim Stout, Randy Wright (Chairman), Ron Parker (Vice-Chairman), Bobby Shepherd, Bob Thebeau, and Jerry Atwell. Director Larry Powell is standing. Board Secretary Matt Upton could not attend.
The Home Missions Staff had their annual Christmas luncheon last week.
General Director Larry Powell and wife Wanda
Director of Development David Crowe and wife Kathey
Account Administrator Kathy Brown and husband Billy
CELF Account Administrator Sue Hayes and husband Mike
Publications Editor Ida Lewis and husband Ray
Administrative Assistant Teresa Womack and husband David with their grandson, Trevor
Tayla Roy and son Trevor - Tayla works part-time with David Crowe
Director of Missionary Assistance Richard Atwood (me) and wife Sandy
To all of our home missionaries and their families
and all of our home mission supporters:
We hope you will have a MERRY CHRISTMAS!
And a WONDERFUL 2013!