For the 2nd time in 2 years, Sandy and I spoke at the church's couple's retreat. They have a bunch of nice people and we have a good time with the folks there. The conference center is on a beautiful and peaceful piece of property. (And they have great food, too)
Here is a picture right before one of our sessions.

This is Tim and Robyn Osborn.
Tim is going through chemotherapy for colon cancer. 3 down and 9 more to go - he should be finished with them in July. The prognosis for beating the cancer is pretty good - about 65%. Please pray for him and the family.

On Saturday afternoon, we got to see the strip mall where they rent a space for church.
(Tim has been on a diet and lost a lot of weight - he looks younger.)

On Saturday night, Tim and Robyn took us to a hole in the wall restaurant that he had seen on TV. The food was great. Tim may have lost weight, but he can still put away the fried chicken!

Here is a picture on Sunday morning before church started. Notice the mirrors in the back. It used to be a ballet studio.

This is the praise team. The two young ladies on the front right are Osborns - Micah and Emma. Tim and Robyn have 7 children and I like every one of them.

This is the congregation during the service. We had 64 people there! Tim said if one family had been there (that is usually there), they would have broken their attendance record. The church is really rallying around the Osborns during this ordeal. There is a great spirit of love in the church. I look for greater things in the future.